Sparked Customer Teams
Sparked has a line of products targeted to brands that care about their social media strategy. Sparked Customer Teams helps these companies turn their customers into value-generating Brand Ambassadors. Sparked's dev team is an efficient and professional Agile team with a great sense of humor and capable of delivering quality B2B solutions while working remotely.
My first contact with Customer Teams was actually the MVP implementation of the idea. I used AMD's RequireJS modules and jQuery Mobile to build a small and themable app. Later on, I got involved with the whole team to add more features, including an HTML5 canvas game and also a D3 based one. At this stage of the development, some marketing demos where required as well, and I also spend some time polishing the UI and removing some jank related issues. Customer Teams include a responsive image solution based on picturefill, and a Responsive Web Design version targeted to Facebook apps.
It is a funny app, where users can take part in cool activities, win prizes and points helping brands get feedback from their products. It is also quite flexible from the point of view of look and feel, supporting different skins and viewport widths. It can run on desktop and within Facebook.
I have worked with a number of front-end engineers over the years and Marcos is top class. He's smart, quick, and delivers on time. To boot, he's also a great guy who works well on a team. Critically, if there's something about a wireframe or requirement that is unclear, he'll first spend some time trying to figure it out, but if it doesn't resolve, he'll come back to ask for clarification. This time-saving balance is hard to achieve and Marcos does it very well.