7 elements tagged with React.js
React, D3 and their ecosystem
React and D3 are tools designed for goals that collide, as they control the DOM in different ways. In this talk, you will learn how to build React apps with the power of D3, the different strategies, and libraries for your work or side projects.
Eventbrite's Follow Organizer
Follow Organizer was an under-utilized feature that had the potential to increase attendee engagement with event creators. Read how we sold up to 1.5M ticket and raised 1% the company's revenue.
Amundsen - Data Catalog Tool
Amundsen is an open source metadata-driven data discovery and catalog tool. It improves the productivity of data analyst, data scientists and engineers. Keep on reading to learn how it got its 3.9K stars in GitHub.
Verity - Data Quality Tool
Verity is a data quality check tool aimed to allow improved data trust to enable data-driven decisions. Read how it evolved to verify 25TB of data and be adopted by 65 teams.
Lyft's Product Language
Lyft's Product Language (LPL) is a multi-platform Design System with a 98% product adoption within Lyft. Read how I helped the project to be more accessible and complete.
Veed.io's Rebrand
I led Veed.io's company-wide rebranding project, overseeing engineering efforts across multiple product teams. It resulted in a pristine rollout with only one minor issue.
Veed.io's Slides To Video
Veed.io's Slides To Video is a project that allows users to transform their slide decks into videos. I was involved in it as a Staff Engineer within the Editor organization.